This page tries to answer the most frequently asked questions. If your questions are not answered here, please feel free to contact Helen (hyperlink)
When are appointments available?
We have some flexibility to see clients in the most appropriate and comfortable location. We can see people in their own homes, private consulting rooms and solicitors’ offices.
What is the fee?
Details of fees can be supplied on request.
Do we work via the Legal Aid Agency?
No, unfortunately we do not accept work through the Legal Aid Agency.
How can I arrange an appointment?
Telephone Helen on 07775 437363, leaving a brief message and a telephone number. You can e-mail or write if you prefer, but we normally talk to new clients/referrers so that we can discuss whether we are the right professional for you.
What if I need to cancel an appointment?
If you have to cancel an appointment, please contact Helen on 07775 437363 and leave a message. If there is less than 24 hours notice we will charge for cancellation/missed appointments.
What will an appointment involve?
The exact content, length and number of appointments will differ depending on whether it is the first session or an assessment or therapy intervention. First appointments may be slightly longer so we can develop as comprehensive a picture of the difficulties in question but most appointments will be between 60-90 minutes.